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Stop Press 22nd March 2019

News Items for week ended 22nd March 2019

News items for week ending 22nd March 2019

Attendance for this week

Lower School:         Inkpen                     100%

Upper School:         Morpurgo              96%            

Well done to both of these classes


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

How it was distributed

Letter re Year 3

Year 3

Hard copy 21/3/19

Letter re leavers’ hoodies

Year 6

Hard copy

Letter re leavers’ party

Year 6

Hard copy


Inset Day – Monday 25th March

Please remember that Monday is an Inset day.


Comic Relief – UPDATE!

An amazing £215 was made from our cake sale and a staggering £262.67 was raised for our mufti day.  Thank you to everyone who supported Comic Relief!


Quiz Night – Thursday 28th March

There is still time to get your tickets for next week’s quiz night.  Please see Mrs Key in Year 3 or Before/After School Club for your tickets.


Parent Consultations – Friday 5th April 2019

Parent consultation bookings will be available from Friday 22nd March.  Please remember to book a time to see your child’s teacher.  This is for years R-5 as Year 6 had an early parents evening this term.  If parents of Year 6 would like to see the teachers, please can they make an appointment separately via the office who will liaise with them.  Thank you.


Year 6

Two letters have gone home regarding leavers’ hoodies and party.  Both of these require a reply to avoid disappointment.  Thank you.


Thank You!

A big thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered and helped support the teachers over this term with the football and netball teams and tournaments; and other after school clubs.  It is very much appreciated, thank you again.


Snack Attack!

The Snack Attack Head and Deputy Head Pupils were filmed and interviewed by the Peter Jones Foundation Tycoon Enterprise.  They commented on the amazing entrepreneurial skills they had developed and their team work to forge a successful business!  It was delightful to hear them also mention how beautifully behaved and polite all the children at Hamsey Green were and their lovely manners and enthusiasm!  Well done Hamsey - we are very proud of you all.


Cross County 

Congratulations to all the children who took part in the cross country race at Warlingham School on Tuesday 19th March.  All participants did brilliantly in their races and their teamwork and sportsmanship skills were noted by staff members of the other participating schools.  It was lovely to see their School Values shining through outside school too.  Congratulations to Sienna who came 1st in her category.  Hamsey Green took 3rd place across all the schools! 



Next week is the last week for clubs except MDL Tennis at the Upper School which finishes on Monday 1st April.  The Summer Term club timetable will be emailed after we return from Easter.   


Polite Reminders

  • Please can we remind you that there is to be no smoking or vaping anywhere on the school premises.  Thank you for your co-operation.
  • Please do NOT park over the school road markings.  It is dangerous and illegal.  Please find somewhere safe to park, even in bad weather.  Please consider the safety of the children and pedestrians.
  • All year 3 and 4 pupils should be accompanied into school by a responsible adult and should not be allowed to arrive to class on their own.  Once pupils are in years 5 and 6, they are permitted to do so with prior agreement with the school.


St George’s Day – Tuesday 23rd April

If your child is a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, Beaver, Cub or Scout they are allowed to wear their uniform to school on Tuesday 23rd April for St George’s Day.  It will be great to see them all in their uniforms!


The Word of the Week was

Upper School           ‘genial’ – friendly and cheerful

Lower School            ‘calm’ – being peaceful; not excited, worried or upset